Swapna Rani Swain, a 25 years old resident of Salia Sahi slum area is an orthopedically-challenged young woman having mobility problems. Due to the obvious difficulties that disabled people face, be it while looking for a job or acceptance in the society, the parents of Swapna were extremely concerned and distressed about the future of their girl child.
In 2016, project Saksham identified her during baseline assessment. Her bus pass, train pass and bank linkage were done through the project. Under the livelihood support component of Saksham, she received materials worth Rs. 10000/- to kick start a small shop at the convenience of her house. Further, through the regular handholding support, she was again linked with another support of Rs. 7000/- from PNB.
Since the last two years, she has been earning around Rs. 12000/- monthly, with a daily profit ranging from 40-75 rupees from this shop. Now, she is more confident and serious about her business and is constantly trying to enhance it. She is thinking of adding a refrigerator and more consumables to the shop with her personal savings. She is proud to be leading a life of dignity in the community.
Swapna Rani Swain, a 25 years old resident of Salia Sahi slum area is an orthopedically-challenged young woman having mobility problems. Due to the obvious difficulties that disabled people face, be it while looking for a job or acceptance in the society, the parents of Swapna were extremely concerned and distressed about the future of their girl child.
In 2016, project Saksham identified her during baseline assessment. Her bus pass, train pass and bank linkage were done through the project. Under the livelihood support component of Saksham, she received materials worth Rs. 10000/- to kick start a small shop at the convenience of her house. Further, through the regular handholding support, she was again linked with another support of Rs. 7000/- from PNB.
Since the last two years, she has been earning around Rs. 12000/- monthly, with a daily profit ranging from 40-75 rupees from this shop. Now, she is more confident and serious about her business and is constantly trying to enhance it. She is thinking of adding a refrigerator and more consumables to the shop with her personal savings. She is proud to be leading a life of dignity in the community.